How to Make Cheesecake Recipe | Creamy Delight Dessert

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Follow the step by stem instruction for a delicious Cheesecake Recipe


  • 2 cups of graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter melted
  • 4 8 ounce packages cream cheese softened
  • 1 1/4 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 large eggs
  • 2/3 cup sour cream
  • 2/3 cup heavy cream
  • Optional toppings: fruit preserves fresh berries chocolate sauce or caramel sauce


1/ Preheat your oven to 325ยฐF. Grease a 9 inch springform pan with butter or cooking spray.

2/ Use medium bowl to mix the graham cracker crumbs and melted butter until the crumbs are evenly coated. Press the mixture into the bottom of the prepared springform pan creating an even crust. You can use the back of a spoon or the bottom of a glass to press it down firmly.

3/ Use large mixing bowl beat the softened cream cheese until smooth and creamy using an electric mixer on medium speed. Gradually add the granulated sugar and continue mixing until well combined.

4/ Add the vanilla extract and mix until incorporated. Then add the eggs one at a time mixing well after each addition.

5/ Reduce the mixer speed to low and add the sour cream and heavy cream. Mix until the batter is smooth and creamy.

6/ Pour the cheesecake batter into the prepared crust in the springform pan. Smooth out the top with a spatula for an even surface.

7/Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for about 1 hour or until the edges are set and slightly golden and the center is still slightly jiggly.

8/Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside with the oven door slightly ajar for about an hour to cool gradually. This helps prevent cracks from forming on the surface of the cheesecake.

9/ Remove the cheesecake from the oven and let it cool to room temperature. Then cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight.

10/ When ready to serve carefully remove the cheesecake from the springform pan and transfer it to a serving platter.

Serving Cheesecake Recipe

If desired, top the cheesecake with your favorite toppings such as fruit preserves fresh berries chocolate sauce or caramel sauce.

Enjoy your delicious homemade cheesecake recipe at home!

Tips and Tricks for Cheesecake Recipe


Use Room Temperature Ingredients: Make sure your cream cheese, eggs, sour cream and heavy cream are all at room temperature before starting. This prevents lumps and ensures a smooth batter.

Properly Grease the Pan: Grease the springform pan thoroughly including the sides. You can also line the bottom with parchment paper to prevent sticking.

Create a Perfect Crust: Press the graham cracker crust firmly and evenly into the pan using the back of a spoon or a glass. A well-pressed crust will hold together better when serving.

Avoid Overmixing: When adding eggs to the cream cheese mixture mix just until combined. Overmixing can introduce too much air leading to cracks during baking.

Water Bath Technique: Consider using a water bath to bake the cheesecake. This involves placing the springform pan in a larger pan filled with hot water while baking. The water bath helps create a gentle and even heat distribution reducing the risk of cracks.

Donโ€™t Overbake: The cheesecake is ready when the edges are set but the center still has a slight jiggle. Overbaking can result in a dry and dense texture.

Gradual Cooling: After baking, turn off the oven and let the cheesecake cool gradually with the oven door slightly ajar. This helps prevent sudden temperature changes that can cause cracks.

Refrigeration: Chill the cheesecake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or ideally overnight. This allows the flavors to meld and the texture to set properly.

Use Toppings Wisely: Add toppings like fruit preserves, fresh berries or sauces just before serving. This ensures a fresh and vibrant presentation.

Serve at the Right Temperature: Remove the cheesecake from the fridge about 30 minutes before serving to allow it to come to a slightly cool room temperature. This enhances the flavors and makes cutting easier.


The nutrition facts for cheesecake can vary depending on the specific recipe and serving size. Hereโ€™s a general overview of the nutritional information for a standard slice of cheesecake, assuming itโ€™s made with cream cheese, sugar, eggs, and a graham cracker crust:

Serving Size: 1 slice of cheesecake (approximately 1/12th of a 9-inch cheesecake)

Calories: Approximately 300-400 calories per slice

Total Fat: Around 20-30 grams per slice

Saturated Fat: About 10-15 grams per slice

Trans Fat: Typically negligible

Cholesterol: Approximately 80-120 milligrams per slice

Sodium: Roughly 200-300 milligrams per slice

Total Carbohydrates: About 20-30 grams per slice

Dietary Fiber: Around 0-1 gram per slice

Sugars: Typically 15-25 grams per slice

Protein: Approximately 5-8 grams per slice

These values can vary depending on the recipe, additional ingredients (such as fruit toppings or chocolate), and portion size. Cheesecake recipe is known for being rich in calories and fats, primarily due to its cream cheese and sugar content.

If you are looking for a healthier cheesecake option, you can explore recipes that use reduced-fat cream cheese, sugar substitutes, or almond meal crusts. Keep in mind that these changes can impact the taste and texture of the cheesecake. Additionally, portion control can help manage calorie intake, as cheesecake is often served in smaller slices due to its richness.

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