Delicious Corn Pudding Recipe At Home

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What is Corn Pudding

Corn pudding is a traditional American dish made from corn kernels, eggs milk and other ingredients. It has a texture thatโ€™s somewhere between a custard and a casserole, often sweet and savory at the same time. Itโ€™s typically baked in the oven until it sets and forms a soft, creamy consistency.

The main ingredients in corn pudding are corn (either fresh, canned, or frozen), eggs, milk or cream, butter, and sometimes sugar or other sweeteners. Cornmeal or flour is added as a thickening agent, and baking powder might be used to give it a bit of rise.

Corn pudding can be served as a side dish especially during holiday meals like Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Gallery Corn Pudding


  • 4 cups of corn kernels (fresh, frozen, or canned)
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup melted butter
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1/4 cup cornmeal
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Optional: 1/4 cup chopped green onions or jalapeรฑos for added flavor


1/ Preheat your oven to 350ยฐF (175ยฐC). Grease a baking dish or casserole dish and set it aside.

2/ If youโ€™re using fresh corn, remove the kernels from the cob. If using frozen corn, thaw it. Drain canned corn.

3/ In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs.

4/ Add the melted butter, milk, and sugar to the beaten eggs, and whisk until well combined.

5/ Stir in the corn kernels and optional chopped green onions or jalapeรฑos.

6/ In a separate bowl, mix together the cornmeal, baking powder, and salt.

7/ Gradually add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture, stirring until fully incorporated.

8/ Pour the mixture into the greased baking dish.

9/ Bake in the preheated oven for about 45-55 minutes, or until the pudding is set and the top is lightly golden brown.

10/ Once done, remove it from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before serving.

This corn pudding makes a delicious side dish for various meals and gatherings. especially for Thanksgiving!

ย Tips And Tricks to Make A Great Corn Pudding


Corn Selection: Fresh corn works wonderfully in this recipe, but you can also use frozen or canned corn. If using fresh corn, ensure itโ€™s sweet and tender for the best flavor.

Texture Enhancement: For a creamier texture, consider blending a portion of the corn mixture before adding it back into the batter. This adds richness without losing the cornโ€™s natural texture.

Seasoning: Experiment with additional seasonings like paprika, cayenne pepper, or herbs like thyme or parsley to elevate the flavor profile of your corn pudding.

Sweetness Level: Adjust the amount of sugar based on your preference. Taste the mixture before baking and add more sugar if you prefer a sweeter pudding.

Baking Dish: Use a suitable baking dish โ€“ a shallow casserole dish works well. Grease it properly to prevent sticking and ensure easy serving.

Preheating the Oven: Make sure the oven is preheated before placing the pudding inside. This helps in even cooking and ensures the right consistency.

Test for Doneness: To check if the corn pudding is ready, insert a toothpick or a knife in the center. If it comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs, itโ€™s done.

Resting Time: Allow the corn pudding to cool for a few minutes before serving. This helps it to set and makes it easier to slice.

Variations: Get creative with add-ins like cheese, bacon, green chilies, or diced peppers to personalize the flavor profile.Reheating: If you have leftovers, gently reheat the corn pudding in the oven or microwave. Cover it with foil to prevent it from drying out.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making Corn Pudding


Overmixing the Batter: Be careful not to overmix the batter. Overmixing can result in a tougher texture because it overdevelops the gluten in the flour or cornmeal.

Using Cornstarch Instead of Cornmeal: Cornmeal provides the right texture and flavor to the pudding. Avoid substituting it with cornstarch, as it wonโ€™t yield the same results.

Skipping Greasing the Baking Dish: Failing to properly grease the baking dish can cause the pudding to stick and make it challenging to serve. Grease the dish well to ensure easy removal.

Not Preheating the Oven: Preheating the oven is crucial. Putting the pudding in a cold oven can affect its cooking time and result in uneven baking.

Overbaking: Watch the baking time carefully. Overbaking can lead to a dry and less flavorful pudding. Keep an eye on it to ensure itโ€™s cooked but still moist.

Using Excess Sugar: While some sweetness is desirable in corn pudding, using too much sugar can overpower the natural sweetness of the corn. Taste the mixture before baking and adjust the sugar accordingly.

Adding Cold Ingredients: Ensure that ingredients like eggs, milk, and melted butter are at room temperature. Cold ingredients can affect the batter consistency and baking time.

Not Allowing the Pudding to Rest: Allowing the pudding to cool slightly after baking helps it set. Cutting into it immediately after removing it from the oven might cause it to fall apart.

Ignoring Seasoning: Corn pudding benefits from proper seasoning. Donโ€™t forget to add salt and other desired spices to enhance its flavor.

Using Overripe Corn: If using fresh corn, avoid using overripe or starchy corn as it can result in a less sweet and less flavorful pudding.

Nutrition Facts Corn Pudding


The nutritional content of corn pudding can vary based on ingredients used and serving sizes. Hereโ€™s a general approximation per serving (based on an average recipe)

  • Calories: Approximately 200-250 calories per serving (1 cup).
  • Fat: Around 8-12 grams, largely from butter and any added cheese.
  • Carbohydrates: Roughly 25-35 grams, primarily from corn, cornmeal, and added sugars.
  • Protein: Typically 5-8 grams, mostly from eggs and milk.
  • Sodium: Varies depending on added salt, averaging around 300-500 mg per serving.
  • Sugar: About 8-15 grams, depending on added sweeteners.

Please note these values are approximate and can change based on specific ingredients and portion sizes used in your recipe.

FAQs Corn Pudding

What is Corn Pudding? A: Corn Pudding is a delicious side dish made with sweet corn, eggs, milk, and other ingredients. It has a custard-like texture and is often baked to perfection.

Q: Can I use fresh or frozen corn for this recipe? A: Yes, you can use either fresh or frozen corn. If using frozen, make sure to thaw it before incorporating it into the recipe.

Q: Can I use canned corn? A: Yes, you can use canned corn as well. Drain the liquid before adding it to the recipe.

Q: How do I make it gluten-free? A: To make the Corn Pudding gluten-free, use a gluten-free flour substitute or omit the flour altogether. Check other ingredients for gluten content if needed.

Q: Can I make it ahead of time? A: Yes, you can prepare the Corn Pudding ahead of time. Prepare the mixture, cover it, and refrigerate. Bake it just before serving.

Q: Can I add other ingredients, like cheese or herbs? A: Absolutely! Feel free to customize the recipe to your liking. Adding cheese, herbs, or even diced peppers can enhance the flavor.

Q: How do I store leftovers? A: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Reheat in the oven or microwave before serving.

Q: Can I freeze Corn Pudding? A: Yes, you can freeze Corn Pudding. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, and store it in a freezer-safe container. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating.

Q: What can I serve Corn Pudding with? A: Corn Pudding makes a great side dish for a variety of meals, such as roast chicken, grilled meats, or as part of a Thanksgiving feast.

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