Crispy Murukku Recipe How to Make Crispy Murukku Recipe

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Discover the secrets to making the perfect Murukku recipe (chakli ), a beloved South Indian snack.ย Try this delicious recipeย step-by-step to create crispy, flavorful rice flour spirals, perfect for any occasion.


Ingredients Murukku Recipe (Chakli)

  1. 2 cups rice flour
  2. 1/2 cup urad dal (black gram) flour
  3. 1/4 cup butter or ghee
  4. 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  5. 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
  6. A pinch of asafoetida (hing)
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Water, as needed
  9. Oil for deep frying

Instructions Murukku Recipe

1/ Start by dry roasting the urad dal (black gram) in a pan until it turns light golden brown. Allow it to cool, and then grind it into a fine powder.

2/ In a mixing bowl, combine the rice flour, urad dal flour, cumin seeds, sesame seeds, asafoetida, and salt. Mix these dry ingredients together.

3/ Melt the butter or ghee and add it to the dry ingredients. Mix well to distribute the fat evenly throughout the mixture.

4/ Slowly add water to the mixture while kneading it into a smooth, stiff dough. The dough should be firm but pliable. You might not need all the water, so add it gradually.

5/ Heat the oil in a deep frying pan or kadai over medium-high heat.

6/ While the oil is heating, prepare your Murukku maker (chakli maker) with the star-shaped disc. Place a portion of the dough into the maker.

7/ Once the oil is hot, start pressing the dough through the Murukku maker into the hot oil. You can make them in spirals or circles, as you prefer.

8/ Fry the Murukku until they turn golden brown and become crisp. Use a slotted spoon to remove them from the oil and place them on paper towels to drain excess oil.

9/ Repeat the process with the remaining dough, frying a few Murukku at a time. Be careful not to overcrowd the pan.

10/ Let the Murukku cool down completely before storing them in an airtight container. They will stay fresh for several days.

Enjoy your homemade Murukku Recipe (chakli ) as a crunchy and delicious snack.

Some Tips and Tricks For Making Perfect Murukku


Use Fresh Ingredients: Make sure your rice flour, urad dal flour, and spices are fresh. Stale ingredients can affect the flavor and texture of your Murukku.

Consistency of Dough: Achieving the right dough consistency is crucial. The dough should be firm but pliable. Add water gradually to prevent it from becoming too sticky.

Oil Temperature: Maintain a consistent oil temperature for frying. The oil should be hot but not smoking. Test it by dropping a small piece of dough into the oil; it should sizzle and rise to the surface without browning immediately.

Properly Heat the Murukku Maker: Before pressing the dough into the hot oil, ensure that the Murukku maker (chakli maker) is heated adequately. This prevents the dough from sticking to the maker and helps maintain the shape.

Avoid Overcrowding: Fry only a few Murukku at a time to ensure they cook evenly. Overcrowding can lower the oil temperature and result in soggy Murukku.

Shape and Size: Experiment with different shapes and sizes to find the one you prefer. Smaller shapes cook faster, while larger ones may require a bit more time.

Flavor Variations: You can customize your Murukku by adding spices like red chili powder, black pepper, or crushed curry leaves to the dough for extra flavor.

Storage: After frying and cooling, store Murukku in an airtight container to maintain their crispiness. Place a paper towel at the bottom to absorb any excess oil.

Practice Makes Perfect: If itโ€™s your first time making Murukku, donโ€™t be discouraged if the first batch isnโ€™t perfect. Like any skill, making Murukku improves with practice.

Enjoy Fresh: While Murukku (chakli ) can be stored for a few days, they are best when fresh. Serve them as a crunchy snack with a cup of tea or coffee.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Making Murukku


Inadequate Dough Consistency: One of the most common mistakes is having dough that is either too dry or too sticky. The dough should be firm but pliable. If itโ€™s too dry, your Murukku may crack, and if itโ€™s too wet, it can be challenging to shape.

Incorrect Oil Temperature: Frying Murukku at the wrong oil temperature can result in uneven cooking. If the oil is too hot, the Murukku can brown too quickly on the outside while remaining undercooked inside. If the oil is not hot enough, they may become oily and soggy.

Cold Murukku Maker: Ensure that the Murukku maker (chakli maker) is adequately heated before using it. If itโ€™s cold, the dough can stick to the maker, making it difficult to shape the Murukku.

Overcrowding the Pan: Frying too many Murukku at once can lower the oil temperature and lead to uneven frying. Fry them in batches to ensure they cook evenly and become crispy.

Irregular Shaping: Inconsistent shaping can affect the appearance and texture of your Murukku. Practice shaping them evenly and consistently for a professional look.

Stale Ingredients: Using stale rice flour, urad dal flour, or spices can affect the flavor and quality of your Murukku. Always use fresh ingredients for the best results.

Skipping the Test Piece: Itโ€™s essential to test a small piece of dough in the hot oil before frying the entire batch. This allows you to adjust the dough consistency and ensure the oil is at the right temperature.

Not Draining Excess Oil: After frying, allow the Murukku to drain on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Skipping this step can result in oily Murukku.

Rushing the Process: Take your time and be patient. Rushing through the process can lead to mistakes. Follow the recipe and steps carefully.

Storing While Warm: Donโ€™t store Murukku in an airtight container while they are still warm. They need to cool completely to maintain their crispiness.

Nutrition Facts


The nutrition facts for Murukku can vary depending on the specific ingredients and cooking methods used, but hereโ€™s an approximate nutritional breakdown for a typical serving size of 1 ounce (about 28 grams) of Murukku:

  • Calories: 140-160 kcal
  • Total Fat: 6-8 grams
    • Saturated Fat: 2-3 grams
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 150-200 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 20-22 grams
    • Dietary Fiber: 1-2 grams
    • Sugars: 0-1 gram
  • Protein: 2-3 grams

Murukku is a fried snack, so itโ€™s relatively high in calories and fat. Enjoy it in moderation as a special treat.

FAQ โ€“ Crispy Murukku (Chakli) Recipe


What is Murukku (Chakli)?

Murukku, also known as Chakli, is a popular South Indian snack. Itโ€™s a crispy, spiral-shaped snack made with rice flour and urad dal (black gram) flour, flavored with various spices.

Can I make Murukku without urad dal flour?

While traditional Murukku includes urad dal flour, you can experiment with other flours like besan (gram flour) or replace it with rice flour alone for a different texture.

What equipment do I need to make Murukku?

Youโ€™ll need a Murukku press or chakli maker for shaping the dough, a deep fryer or a deep pan for frying, and a mixing bowl. Additionally, having a slotted spoon for frying is helpful.

Can I prepare Murukku dough in advance?

Yes, you can prepare the Murukku dough ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator. Bring it to room temperature before shaping and frying.

Q5: How do I achieve a crispy texture in Murukku?

Ensure the dough is of the right consistency โ€“ not too soft or too firm. Fry Murukku on medium heat until it turns golden brown. Properly draining excess oil after frying also helps in achieving crispiness.

Can I make Murukku without a Murukku press?

While a Murukku press is convenient, you can shape the dough using your hands or a piping bag with a star-shaped nozzle. The traditional spiral shape might be a bit challenging without a press.

Q7: What variations can I try in Murukku flavors?

You can experiment with adding different spices like cumin, sesame seeds, or carom seeds to the dough. Some people also add a hint of asafoetida for additional flavor.

Q8: How long does Murukku stay fresh?

Murukku can stay fresh for a few weeks when stored in an airtight container. Ensure it is completely cooled before storing to prevent sogginess.

Can I make Murukku without deep frying?

A9: While deep frying gives the traditional texture, you can try baking Murukku for a healthier alternative. However, the texture may be slightly different.

Is Murukku gluten-free?

Yes, Murukku can be gluten-free if you use gluten-free flours. Ensure that all the ingredients used are free from gluten to make a gluten-free version.

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